Trade Reindeer For Horses

With Auto Loans From ProFed

  • As low as 5.24% APR* for 66 Month Term** (2019-2025 Model Years)
  • As low as 5.49% APR* for 78 Month Term** (2021-2025 Model Years)
  • As low as 5.74% APR* for 79-84 Month Term** (2023-2025 Model Years)
  • Minimum $15,000 New Money

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*The annual percentage rate (APR) listed is our best rate. Your rate may vary depending on your credit score, model year of vehicle and term of loan. **Example: A $15,000.00 consumer auto loan at 5.24% APR with a 66 month term requires 65 monthly payments of $262.62 and a final payment of $262.41 and would total $17,332.71. Finance charges would total $2,332.71. Membership at ProFed is required to participate. All loans are subject to approved application and collateral review. Optional payment protection is available. Rate shown is subject to change. Offer valid November 21, 2024–January 7, 2025.