Checking for High School, College Students, and Young Adults

No account fees means no worries! Discover a student checking account designed for 13 to 26-year-olds who can enjoy no monthly maintenance fees and no minimum balance requirement. Imagine perks like 4 free ATM withdrawals up to $15.00 a month and digital tools like mobile deposit to help manage money on the go inside an updated mobile app. 

Students can juggle school and finances with ease by adding a Visa® Debit Card to their digital wallet and collecting $5.00 in cash back each month by completing 15 debit card transactions. Whether it’s online banking or mobile banking, inside ProFed Digital Banking* you can deposit checks, pay bills, make transfers, and set up account alerts to help monitor account activity. Check out our video tutorial page, which makes it easy for students to learn how to navigate banking and manage their finances.

Open a new account today with a minimum deposit of $25.00 to checking and a $5.00 opening deposit to member savings.

Download ProFed Digital Banking from the App Store or Google Play! Apple | Android

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